Patio Fountains... Easy Outdoor Tranquility

Once you have your garden landscaping in place, you should look at adding a patio fountain for a little more ambience. Patio fountains can add atmosphere and style to any backyard landscape. Whatever type of look you are trying to create in your backyard or on your patio a water fountain can achieve a dramatic effect.

A bird bath style fountain will serve two functions in your backyard. This type of fountain will not only look dramatic it will provide fresh water at all times for any feathered friends who frequent your yard. Birds are attracted to the fresh water, and you can find fountains that bubble up from the top and constantly drain to provide a fresh, uncontaminated stream. Or bird bath styles that use a water fall effect are also a popular choice.

An excellent choice for a patio fountain is a solar powered fountain. This type of fountain is powered by solar power and will save you electrical costs. The fountain charges solar panels during daylight hours to power up the fountain pump. This is a great alternative if you want to place your fountain away from a convenient power source.

If you only have a small space but still would like to enjoy the effects and atmosphere of a patio fountain you can create a small and beautiful fountain out of a barrel or other smaller vessel. You can position your fountain in the corner of a space or in the middle of your space, whatever works best for your area.

A barrel fountain is not difficult to create, and you can purchase simple kits at your local hardware store or garden center. A barrel style fountain will also be able to accommodate a few small water plants as well.

Another excellent alternative for a small space is a wall fountain. These beautiful fountains are dramatic and stunning on any wall space. Invisible styles are particularly dramatic as it looks as if the water is falling from the wall itself and not a fountain.

There are many choices for patio fountains, and if you have a large budget you can even have your own fountain custom made. Popular materials are stone, copper, bronze, resin, brass and marble. Whatever style you choose, a water feature in your backyard or on your patio will provide you with wonderful ambience, and tranquil sounds.

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